Celebrate Shadowverse's 6th anniversary with the Daily 10-Pack Giveaway and the Leader Card Guaranteed! 10-Pack Giveaway!
—Daily 10-Pack Giveaway—
Head to the Shop every day during the event period and get up to 100 card packs! Card packs opened through this event will have a chance of giving leader cards from other card sets!
Event Period:
8:00 p.m., June 16 – 1:00 p.m., June 26 (PT)
- Log in throughout the event period to receive daily allowances.
- In addition to leader cards included in the card set that you are pulling from, you will also have a chance to draw leader cards from other card sets.
- Daily allowances can be used on any standard or add-on packs.
- The 10 packs will be opened together. You cannot split an allowance across packs from different card sets.
- You will earn 1 card pack point for each pack opened.
—Leader Card Guaranteed! 10-Pack Giveaway—
Head to the shop within the event period to get a special 10-pack bundle that is guaranteed to give a leader card!
Event Period:
1:00 p.m., June 26 – 1:00 p.m., June 28 (PT)
- You will receive one allowance to open a special 10-pack bundle that includes a guaranteed leader card and cards from Renascent Chronicles, Dawn of Calamity, Omen of Storms, and Edge of Paradise.
- This bundle can be opened via the special card bundle on the Shop screen.
- Included leader cards can be checked from the draw rates page.

Celebrate our 6th anniversary with the limited Edge of Paradise 10-card-pack bundle, featuring a guaranteed leader! The bundle will be available in the Shop for 1000 crystals.
Available Period:
8:00 p.m., June 16 – 8:00 a.m., June 26 (PT)
Leader Card Exclusion Settings:
From the Included Leader Cards screen, you can exclude any leader cards you have already obtained from appearing. You can also press the Exclude Obtained button to exclude all obtained leader cards at once.
- The bundle can only be purchased once per account.
- With the exceptions of Resplendent Phoenix, Magna Zero, and Runie, Resolute Diviner, guaranteed leader cards will show up as the last card in the tenth pack.
- The bundle can be purchased from Shop > Buy Cards > Buy Packs.
- The bundle can only be purchased using crystals.
- Draw rates can be checked from the card pack purchase screen.
- There is a chance you may draw a leader card that you have already obtained.
- Even if you have obtained all leader cards, at least one leader card must be selected for the guaranteed leader card slot.

Seven select characters from the story will be coming to the Shop as purchasable leaders to celebrate the 6th anniversary of Shadowverse!
Available Period:
From 8:00 p.m., June 16 (PT)
Purchasable Leaders:
- Bunny
- Maiser
- Drache
- Kagero
- Aluzard
- Selena
- Illganeau
Each leader will be available in the Shop for 500 crystals and comes with a matching emblem, sleeves, and flair. Leaders can also be purchased together via the 6th Anniversary Leader Pack, priced at 400 crystals per leader! The Leader Pack also comes with exclusive sleeves!
- The leaders will remain available in the Shop after the 6th Anniversary event period concludes.
- Sales of leaders may end without prior notice.

Limited-Time Story: The Missing Star!
Join us in the events following The Final Loop as we return to Aleister! Previous limited-time stories, The Guild War: Reconstruction and Seeds of Conflict: Sowing, will also be available for the duration of the event.
Available Period:
11:00 p.m., June 16 – 1:00 p.m., June 27 (PT)

Clear limited-time missions for a chance to win 500,000 rupies! The more missions you clear, the higher your chances!
Available Period:
8:00 p.m., June 16 – 1:00 p.m., June 27 (PT)
Limited-Time Missions:
- Vote in the 6th Anniversary New Leader Poll.
- Vote in the 6th Anniversary New Legendary Card Poll.
- Play 5 matches in the 6th Anniversary Cup.
- Clear Chapter 6 of the limited-time story The Missing Star.
- Open packs from the Daily 10-Pack Giveaway 1 time.
- Open packs from the Daily 10-Pack Giveaway 5 times.
- Open packs from the Daily 10-Pack GIveaway 10 times.
- Play 1 private match (without quitting).
- Play 5 private matches (without quitting).
- Play 10 private matches (without quitting).

We will be kicking off the 6th Anniversary Cup! Battle your way to special rewards!
The 6th Anniversary Cup differs from a standard Grand Prix in the following ways:
- Both Stage 1 and Stage 2 will have 5 rounds per day.
- There's a small chance to get special rewards in Stages 1 and 2.
- Legendary Card Pack tickets will be available as Final Stage rewards.
Event Period:
11:00 p.m., June 16 – 1:00 p.m., June 27 (PT)
The 6th Anniversary Cup will be playable in the Take Two All-Stars format. Players will have 3 random classes to choose from and can select from a pool of 95 cards, consisting of 80 cards from each class in addition to 15 Neutral cards. Cards will be available across all rarities and released card sets. Also, all cards will be animated. For more details on Take Two All-Stars, please see the link below.

The Take Two All-Stars, Take Two Tactics, Gems of Fortune, and Legacy Decks formats will be playable in private matches for a limited time! Play them to clear private match missions!
Available Period:
From the release of v3.7.30 until 1:00 p.m., June 27 (PT)
Take Two All-Stars:
Players can select from 80 cards per class in addition to 15 Neutral cards, making for a total of 95 cards in each class. Cards will be available across all rarities and released card sets.
Gems of Fortune:
Both players compete with a format-exclusive prebuilt deck consisting of 30 cards. The only cards in the deck are two spell cards: Gleaming Gem and Radiant Crystal. While all eight classes start off with the same deck, the cards generated by Gleaming Gem and Radiant Crystal will be determined by the class you choose.
- Gleaming Gem
Banish a card in your hand. Randomly put 2 different cards from your leader's class into your hand.
- Radiant Crystal
Banish a card in your hand. Randomly put 2 different Gold or Legendary cards from your leader's class into your hand.
Legacy Decks:
Players can choose from 36 all-time fan-favorite meta decks whose cards all have their original stats and abilities. Detailed decklists can be checked in-game.
Take Two Tactics:
Cards related to the selected deck archetype will be drawn from multiple classes regardless of rarity.
When creating a deck, the core cards of that deck archetype and the related cards will be displayed in a specific order.
The card pool will be the same as that of the Tactician's Cup Vol. 2.