Welcome to Shadowverse, the first strategic multiplayer game where a tightly knit story comes together with action-packed card battles!

Choose from eight classes, each with its own special set of cards including followers, spells, and amulets. Uncover the deck-building potential of over 4000 cards.
There are three kinds of cards: followers, spells, and amulets. Each card's play point cost is displayed on the top left corner.

Your followers do most of the action in battle, directly attacking enemy leaders and followers. Some have other useful abilities in addition to attacking.
- Cost
- shows how many play points are required to play this card. This number is shown on the upper left.
- Attack
- shows how much damage this follower deals when it fights an enemy. This number is shown on the bottom left.
- Defense
- shows how much damage this follower can take. Any follower is destroyed when its defense reaches zero. This number is shown on the bottom right.
- Ability
- shows what type of special ability this follower has. Tap the effect text for more detailed explanations.

Starting in the middle of the game, you can evolve a limited number of your followers. Evolve your followers at the right time to turn the match in your favor.

Spell cards have an effect that activates just once. Unlike followers and amulets, spells don't take up a slot in your area.
They become shadows immediately after they're used.

Amulet cards have effects that support you in battle. However, they can't attack or be attacked like follower cards.