Shadowverse: Worlds Beyond Release Delayed

In last year's Shadowverse Next 2024 stream, we announced that Shadowverse: Worlds Beyond would be released in summer 2024. However, in the interest of further improving the game's quality, we have decided to push back the release date to spring 2025.

We sincerely apologize to all our players who have been waiting for the release. The development team is hard at work making Shadowverse: Worlds Beyond the best it can be. In the meantime, we kindly ask for your patience.

With regard to tournaments, schedules will also be updated to accommodate the new release period. For instance, the Shadowverse World Championship will be rescheduled for the end of 2025. While there will be changes to the number of invitational spots, and the qualifying tournaments themselves will be affected, players who have already earned a spot will still be able to participate in the World Championship. Further updates will be announced separately in spring 2025.

Thank you for your continued support of Shadowverse!

Shadowverse Team