Season 95 Master Score Rewards Distributed

We've given out special flairs to players who've earned a spot in the top three of the Master Score rankings in the Rotation and Unlimited formats from Season 95!

1st–3rd Place Rewards (Rotation)
1st Place:
- Master Score Champion Special Flair (Rotation)
2nd Place:
- Master Score 2nd Place Special Flair (Rotation)
3rd Place:
- Master Score 3rd Place Special Flair (Rotation)

1st–3rd Place Rewards (Unlimited)
1st Place:
- Master Score Champion Special Flair (Unlimited)
2nd Place:
- Master Score 2nd Place Special Flair (Unlimited)
3rd Place:
- Master Score 3rd Place Special Flair (Unlimited)

We've also distributed the Season 95 Master Score rewards to the crates of the top 10,000 players.

Master Score Rewards (Rotation)
1st–1,000th Place:
- 1 seer's globe
- 20 Throwback Rotation card pack tickets
- 5,000 vials

1,001st–10,000th Place:
- 10 Throwback Rotation card pack tickets
- 2,500 vials

Master Score Rewards (Unlimited)
1st–1,000th Place:
- 1 seer's globe
- 20 Throwback Rotation card pack tickets
- 5,000 vials

1,001st–10,000th Place:
- 10 Throwback Rotation card pack tickets
- 2,500 vials

- The special flairs are available in both the Rotation and the Unlimited formats. You get a special flair for both formats if you are in the top three for both formats.
- Master Scores in the Unlimited and Rotation formats are calculated separately. Players who rank in the top 10,000 for both Unlimited and Rotation formats receive rewards for both formats.
- Only players with a Master Score of at least 10,001 are eligible for rewards.

Thanks for playing!

Shadowverse Team