Track Data to Win Ranked Matches


Ranked matches are currently the most popular way to play Shadowverse. The rules are simple: your score goes up for winning or down for losing. Players all over the world compete day and night to improve their score. In ranked matches, you’ll be paired with other players of similar skill. In order to stay on top of ranked battles and work up the ranks, you must consciously improve your level of play.

Know Your Matchups

It’s important to have an objective view of the current state of affairs, a key aspect of the metagame, for ranked matches. Of course, it’s also important to focus during each battle, but ranked matches aren’t just about one match; your rank is based on your win rate over the course of many games.

So what can you do to improve your win rate? One way is to keep track of your ranked matches. In this article, we’ll cover how to do this. If you want to take things into your own hands and improve your win rate by any means possible, I’m sure you’ll find this article useful!

Use Data to Battle

You may be wondering, why bother to keep track of your matches?

Human memory is fallible and decisions are often made based on feelings. Doing something based on feelings might feel right, but it’s difficult to determine whether that move is objectively right. To objectively analyze and determine whether you made the right decision, you need data.

For example, let’s consider the decks played by opponents. In a ranked match, you are paired with someone near your rank, but you have no way of determining which deck the opponent will play until the match starts. It would be ideal to play against decks you have a good chance of beating, but obviously you’ll have to face bad matchups as well.

If you continue to get bad matchups, your win rate will go down, as will your motivation to play the game. You could hardly be blamed for attributing your losses to bad luck in this case!

When this happens, try recording the classes you’re matched against and whether you win or lose. As you record the results of more and more matches, you’ll start to see a trend in popular and less popular decks, and whether you have an advantage or disadvantage with the deck you use. This data will show you the popular decks at your current rank.


Example of records taken with spreadsheet software

If you can determine which decks you’ll be facing most often, you can easily devise countermeasures. Swap out weak cards in those matchups for more effective ones, or, if you have a decent card collection, you might even consider creating a new deck.

You can’t choose which decks you’ll be matched against. However, based on the data you’ve collected, you can predict which decks you’re likely to face. Wins will come easier if you use your data to effectively improve your luck with matchups.

Win rate is not something measured in the short term. Even if you lose your next match, you can count any long-term increase in your win rate as a success. Also, as you continue to track your games, the data you collect will become even more effective.

On a side note, you can check which classes are popular right now from Ranked Wins by Class, which you can check in-game. This ranking shows the top 100 players based on the most wins using a certain class for the month, and you should look at the number of wins of the player in the last spot. If you compare this number for each class, you can see which classes are popular in the current metagame, and it might be a good idea to first figure out how to beat these classes.


From More, select Rankings and then Ranked Wins by Class to get to this screen. Click on the class icons at the bottom to check the rankings for each class.

Data Recording and Its Applications

There are other ways of using tracked data besides the above. For example, keep track of cards you wanted to draw but just couldn’t. Also make a record of cards you drew too many of or cards that were difficult to use. By doing so, you’ll be able to determine whether to increase or decrease the number of each card in your deck for maximum effectiveness. If you include whether you went first or second, your data will be even more useful.

It’s also effective to save screenshots during your games. They can be useful for reviewing whether you made the right play.

Moreover, you can record the cards your opponent use and learn from their play style. This will help you face certain decks or even play them yourself.


Recording your win rate when going second against Swordcraft, your game plan, and the cards you draw will be useful for analyzing how to win this matchup.

Create your very own deck and put it to the test in ranked matches!


Play the long game: Record your matches and use that data!  Then adjust your deck and strategy in order to keep up with the ranked metagame!

In my next article, I’ll go over how to turn inevitable losses into your advantage. Until then, keep enjoying Shadowverse!

















